Principles That Keep Us On Track

We suggest honesty in our considerations for approaching psychedelic use of any kind.
We recommend a trusting relationship with a sponsor or other fellows in a 12-step recovery program.

We suggest thoughtfulness and respect for integrating conscious, intentional use of psychedelics as part of 12-step recovery. We treat these tools as medicines, sacraments, or catalysts for ceremonial use and spiritual growth, not as substances or drugs for temporary pleasure or escape.

Set and setting matter.

We suggest using caution when deciding whether to ingest any psychedelic. We educate ourselves and make informed decisions. We suggest personal discretion regarding disclosure of the role psychedelics and/or plant medicines have in our recovery. We understand that talking about psychedelics in mainstream 12-step meetings is deemed “an outside issue.”

We suggest relying on the fundamentals of Step 12 when “carrying the message of recovery” in the context of our fellowship to the still sick and suffering or longtime members from other fellowships that are new to ours.

We suggest being mindful of the primary purpose of our fellowship, which is to provide a safe space for us to share experience, strength, and hope regarding the use of psychedelics and plant medicine in our 12-step based recovery process. Please respect our fellows’ right to find their own definition of recovery.

We do not use meetings or parking lots for sourcing medicines, self-promotion for financial gain, finding others to participate in sessions, recommending retreat centers, organizations, and/or individuals to facilitate psychedelic experiences.